Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Medical Doctor at
Modern Vitalist
San Diego, California, 92101
As a state licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor, I'm trained in herbal medicine, pharmacology, HVLA, mind-body medicine/biofeedback (BCB), physical medicine, hydrotherapy, neural therapy, IV therapy and autonomic response training (ART). My passion is to educate and support people in their health; working with them to create a healthier lifestyle and meet their goals.
I specialize in holistic healthcare with expertise in areas such as allergies/respiratory, cardiovascular health, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, gut health, hormone balance, insomnia, mental health, nutrition, PMS/PCOS/endometriosis, skin health, thyroid, and weight management. My commitment is to provide personalized and comprehensive solutions to empower individuals in achieving their health goals.
Meeting my patients where they are at in their health journey. ... View More