Naturopathic Doctor
Medical Director at
Oregon Regenerative Medicine
Lake Oswego, Oregon, 97034
We are the original home-grown Pacific Northwest experts in Regenerative Medicine for thousands of patients in the Oregon, Washington and Portland region. We work to empower our patients to live at their highest potential through orthopedic medicine, condition-specific nutritional programs, hormone optimization, education, and inspiration.
Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine is a powerful healing art and medical specialty. Proficiency requires many years of dedicated training and clinical experience. At ORM, our doctors have decades of experience and are highly skilled in the arts of hands-on diagnosis and ultrasound imaging.
Our regenerative and biological treatments include Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma PRP, and Stem Cell Biocellular Therapies. Together, these treatments enhance the natural cycles of repair of aging and chronically injured knees, hips, ligaments, tendons, and skin.
We specialize in osteoarthritis and injuries of the back, neck, and spine. We have successfully treated thousands of osteoarthritic hips, knees, rotator cuffs, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, feet, ankles, and TMJs.
Most of our patients have been told that their only solution is surgery or a lifetime on pain medications. While no treatment has 100% success, the vast majority of our patients achieve durable pain-free function without surgery, joint replacement, or drugs.
At Oregon Regenerative Medicine, we use Prolotherapy, autologous Platelet Rich Plasma, and autologous Adipose Tissue Stem Cell Grafts to restore pain-free function to a wide range of orthopedic and degenerative diseases, including inflammatory arthritis. We use PRP and adult adipose cells and tissues that we harvest from your own body. Scientists have identified hundreds of growth and repair compounds in PRP, and adult adipose tissue is the most abundant source of reparative cells in the human body and has shown consistent results in a wide range of orthopedic injuries, as well as great promise in the treatment of a host of other conditions.