Naturopathic Doctor
Milford, Connecticut, 06460
Growing up in a Greek household made me appreciate the important role that food, herbal medicine and traditional healing practices, like cupping, have in preventing disease and staying well. Because I grew up with a traditional food and medicine, I chose the only medical school education that incorporated nutrition, herbal medicine, and a holistic approach to healing with Naturopathic medicine.
While at Bastyr, I also completed my Masters in Acupuncture and worked in the research department studying herbal medicine for HIV as well as the Chinese Herbal Medicine Department.
Artemis Wellness Center was founded on the principles of Naturopathic medicine with an emphasis on prevention, scientific research and traditional herbal medicine, food- medicine and healing.
We nurture transformational healing by honoring the natural vital force within us by integrating of modern medicine with ancient healing wisdom.
I specialize in The Mediterranean Diet and have seasonal Mediterranean Detox programs that transform health while promoting sustainability.