Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic Doctor at
Depth Medicine
Forest Falls, California, 92339
I am a California native and licensed Naturopathic Doctor committed to helping adults achieve an authentic, meaningful, vital quality of life, with health autonomy and personal agency. I grew up with a lot of unnecessary illness and loss in my family, so I am whole-heartedly committed to the practice of naturopathic medicine, homeopathy, and depth psychology as an enriching alternative to suppressive "medical" methods.
I treat chronic conditions common to our modern life: Anxiety, Depression, Complex Hormone Disruption, Digestive Diseases (Crohn’s, Ulcerative colitis, etc), Cardiovascular disease, among many others.
I love to work with sensitive souls who are committed to their treatment path. The intricacies of your individual process are of great interest and importance to me, so your treatment plans will always be unique to you and each phase of your journey.
My hobbies include playing piano, cold water plunges in fresh snow melt, raising cavapoochon pups, reading, culinary art, and in-depth conversations.